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How can the new age industry adapt to catch up with the changes

How can the new age industry adapt to catch up with the changes?

Image source:  https://www.pexels.com/photo/person-holding-silver-and-black-tube-type-vape-6153348/

In the past, businesses were conducted with the mentality of “big fish eat little fish” or by focusing on beating the competitors. However, nowadays it is the small fish that can swim faster and beat the bigger, slower-moving fish. Smaller businesses have access to boundless technology including various infrastructure in the production process such as ready-built factories and warehouses including numerous choices of transporting methods; therefore, new entrepreneurs don’t need to climb the ladder from the bottom, they can begin climbing from the middle of the ladder instead.

Industry 4.0 and changes in Thailand

Industry 4.0 is the increase in industrial efficiency by adopting technology in data storing, analyzing, and processing as well as in the production process in order to drive the organization forward efficiently. This industrial revolution is considered an important turning point that creates awareness and affects many people and businesses. Business operators and laborers must adapt their knowledge, important skills, as well as their attitudes towards this change, or else they will not be able to compete and survive in this modern age industry. 

Example of technology that arrives with the modern industry.

  1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a smart processing system similar to human intelligence, and it has a self-learning capability; for example, Amy Ingram, the artificial intelligence which assists in calendar scheduling and organizing meetings simply by copying onto emails, or Siri which belongs to Apple that can engage in simple conversations with the owner.
  2. ROBOTs which is an automatic robotic system. If anyone has seen a video clip of the intelligent robotic system of Alibaba warehouse, they would be very impressed with the system’s ability. The robots function by receiving orders via WiFi connection, and they transfer the goods to employees in the packing and delivering department. Each robot can carry up to 500 kg, and all of them communicate by using sensor, so they don’t clash into each other during operation. When the battery is low, they return to the station by themselves to recharge. With such system, they can increase their workload by three times and reduce the number of employees by 70%. 
  3. CLOUD is a system designed to support many different kinds of tasks including network system, database and archiving, software and hardware servicing, etc., for the business owners to select and adopt. It can help to reduce business operating costs, for example, employees are able to log into the system from anywhere in the world when the Company has its operation system and software uploaded onto the CLOUD. There is no need for employees to contact the Company for any matter since all data is stored based on the real-time system. 
  4. Transportation system Currently, there is development in drones and cars with autonomous driving systems to be used in transportation of goods for safety, to reduce the number of accidents and losses on the roads since there are many accidents each year. It is expected that once this system has been developed to completion, it could affect many transport drivers, while Companies can reduce significant costs.  
Develop people, develop work, to create better opportunities.

Although there are new technologies that become available to fulfill lives and improve work practices, humans, however, are still required to operate and feed the data. Therefore, in order to handle the changes that will occur in the near future, laborers should receive training to develop their skills, specific abilities, and positive attitude, in order to adapt and create opportunities for themselves and their organization. 

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